Riding Membership.

Often thought of as the “original membership”, the sport of mounted foxhunting has its roots in being on a horse. And it is the mounted foxhunter who prizes not only his equine partner, but the venery he shares with his mounted comrades in the field. The Riding Membership carries more responsibility for the actual sport itself and gives in return an unmatched exhilaration to all who love its pursuits.

Those who hunt as riding members have dress code details to follow, as well as, position in the field. Knowing how or when to acknowledge seniority by both experience and colors of the hunt coat is only part of it. To be a respected riding member is as satisfying an accolade as one can have. For it is the well-trained, well-prepared rider that helps bring joy at the end of the day in coming home together – “the field all up” – still in the saddle…the greatest wish of all hunts.
