Hunter Pace & Day in the Country 2019

WHERE: McNeely’s Fish Camp, next to 445 South Fork Blue Creek Road, Lynnville, TN 38472

WHEN: Saturday, April 6.

Run of show:

  • Registration (8:30am)

  • Handy Hunter (9:00am)

  • Hunter Pace (9:30am)

  • Children’s classes (12:00pm)

  • Lunch

  • Awards presentation

  • Terrier races

Please RSVP for lunch if you plan to attend. Click here.

Ribbons for the children’s classes will be presented in the ring immediately, but all other awards will be presented after lunch. Water will be provided, but please BYOB if you would like something else.

Signed release forms (for riders) and negative Coggins (for horses) are required for all participants in horseback events. Forms will be available at registration, but if you want to spend less time registering, a link will be posted below soon so you can download and sign them in advance.

Jump to information on:

Handy Hunter

Hunter Pace

Children's classes

Terrier races

Lunch RSVP

Handy Hunter

TIME: 9:00 - 10:30am

ENTRY FEE: $25 each rider

"A handy hunter is a horse or pony that is very easy to maneuver around a course in a ring or in the hunt field. Different elements that might be seen in a handy hunter class include, but are not limited to, fences at the gallop, rollbacks, trot fences, a gate to open and/or close from the horse's back, etc."

The Handy Hunter class will be run in the morning. You may only participate in Handy Hunter BEFORE going on the Hunter Pace course, so make sure to plan your morning with your Hunter Pace ride time(s) in mind.

The class may contain any or all of the following:

  • A gate
  • A stirrup cup
  • A halt, dismount & mount (mounting block provided)
  • A hunt question
  • Fences at a trot and canter
  • Handling of a hunt whip (not cracking)

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Hunter Pace

TIME: 9:30 – 11:00am. Hilltoppers must be on course by 10AM.

ENTRY FEE: $25.00 each rider


Come enjoy a day in the Hillsboro Hounds hunt country. Paces will be ridden in pairs through the countryside, vying for an ideal time appropriate for each division of the team’s choice. Ideal times will be set by field masters. Riders on each team must enter the same division. Put together a pair of riders and select the division that best suits. Each entry must submit an entry form, sign a release, and obtain a ride time at registration before riding.

You are encouraged to plan your ride time ahead by contacting Stephanie at the email address below.

Hunter Pace Divisions

Tally Ho - Paced as a run on a fox hunt (not a coyote), jumping all obstacles.

Larking - Moderate pace with option to jump.

Hilltopper – Slow to moderate pace with a way around all jumps.

Course will be marked with surveyor tape. Jumping division will consist of hunting coops, other natural jumps, rider gates and creek crossings. Other divisions will open and close gates and navigate creeks or jump at their discretion. All Paces will run concurrently. Maps with detailed information and story line will be available at registration.

Special Awards for Pace Divisions

Best turned out pair

The John Templeton Memorial Challenge Trophy.

Best turned out family pair

The Hooker Bowl Perpetual Trophy donated by the Hooker Family.

Pony Club pair closest to optimum time

The Paul M. Davis Memorial Trophy donated by Dr. & Mrs. Henry Howerton.

The Tennessee Trifecta

The three local hunts Cedar Knob, Mells and Hillsboro Hounds put together a series last fall to create a year-end award for participation in all three hunter Paces. Points are accumulated by riders at each Hunter Pace based on their placement in a division with first place earning five points, all the way down to fifth place earning one point. The Hillsboro Hounds Hunter Pace is the third and final event in the series.

General conditions

REGISTRATION: Opens at 8:30am. Each rider must sign an entry form.

ATTIRE: Hunt attire is not mandatory; polo shirts are acceptable with boots/half chaps and protective
headgear with strap secured. However, anyone wishing consideration for best turnout awards must be in correct formal hunt attire. Rain gear permitted with inclement weather.

For more information, please contact Stephanie Saveskie at 931-205-1329 or

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Children's Classes

TIME: 12:00pm

ENTRY FEE: None! :)

A leadline class and a costume class for pint-sized riders will begin at noon and wrap up the equestrian portion of the day.

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Terrier Races

TIME: After lunch

ENTRY FEE: $10 per entry


Note: Divisions 1, 2, and 3 denoted "Handy Hunter" are open only to dogs whose owners are affiliated with an area hunt. Divisions 4, 5, and 6 are open to all.

Division 1

Handy Hunter Terrier Puppies (1 year or less). Puppies will race on the flat.

Division 2

Handy Hunter Terrier 12" and under over hurdles.

Division 3

Handy Hunter Terrier 12" - 16" over hurdles.

Division 4

Open Terrier 16" and under over hurdles.

Division 5

Open Dog 12" and under over hurdles.

Division 6

Open Dog any size over hurdles.

Championship over hurdles

The top two from each of Divisions 2, 3, and 4 will compete for the title of champion.


Dogs will chase a fox tail lure approximately 150 feet over obstacles, ending the race through a hay bale tunnel. There will be a course available for practice runs prior to the start of the first race. There will be approximately 6-8 dogs per heat.

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If you plan to eat lunch with us on the 6th, please RSVP below (use a numeral in the "Lunch RSVP" field - include any guests or family members who are not RSVPing separately in your count) so we know how many to plan for!

If you need to change your RSVP later, just submit this form again - we'll consider your last RSVP as the correct number for you and your family/group.